The first fossil epidermal structures were identified in some exceptionally preserved pterosaur specimens as long ago as 1831 (Goldfuss 1831). This first record was in a specimen of Scaphognathus, and later stitch-like pits were described in a specimen of Rhamphorhynchus (Wanderer 1908), which were later interpreted as remnants of a covering of hair (Wiman 1925). Hair- or fur-like structures were subsequently reported in specimens of the pterosaurs Anurognathus, Pterodactylus, Dorygnathus and Pterodactylus, most of which were from the Upper Jurassic Solnhofen Limestone of southern Germany, the source of the famous specimens of the ‘first bird’ Archaeopteryx with its feathers. As the pterosaur fluff was preserved as external moulds, these fossils were often challenged as taphonomic or even artificial products (Frey and Martill 1998).
[Right] Bat-like pterosaurs, a reconstruction from an 1843 paper by E. Newman, showing fluff over the body.
[Left] The pterosaur Sordes pilosus, which means ‘hairy devil’, from the Late Jurassic of Kazakhstan, showing fluff (pycnofibres) over the head and back.
It took a long time before pterosaur fluff was noted from another locality. In the 1970s, the pterosaur Sordes was reported from the Upper Jurassic Karatau Formation of Kazakhstan bearing extensive fibres preserved as carbonaceous impressions, which were interpreted as hair-like structures (Sharov 1971). The fibres in the wing membranes were subsequently reinterpreted as decomposed actinofibrils (Unwin and Bakhurina 1994), while these in the other areas were accepted as pelage (Bakhurina and Unwin 1995).
With the discoveries of exceptionally preserved hair-like structures in several specimens belonging to Jeholopterus, Pterorhynchus, Gegepterus and an undetermined genus from the Middle-Upper Jurassic Haifanggou and Lower Cretaceous Yixian formations in NE China since the early 2000s (Wang et al., 2002, 2007; Czerkas and Ji, 2002; Lü, 2002), pterosaurs with hair-like integumentary coverings have been widely accepted. Some densely aligned pinnate fibres that formed distinct tufts in a diamond- and V-shaped pattern covering the wing were interpreted as proto-feathers (Czerkas and Ji, 2002). However, their interpretation was questioned by Kellner (2009), who named the hair-like structures pycnofibres to differentiate them from mammalian hair and avian feathers.
Pterosaurs had feathers too
Most recently, Yang et al. (2019) identified four types of pycnofibers in two anurognathid pterosaur specimens from the Middle-Late Jurassic of China: monofilaments (‘hairs’), tufted monofilaments, bunched fibres, and multiply-branching down feathers. In detail, they demonstrated that pycnofibres share key characteristics with feathers: a tube-like structure of the calamus, melanin-containing melanosomes throughout the barbs, and morphologies that include three kinds of branching structures.
These ancient and newer findings confirm that pterosaurs possessed a dense filamentous covering that likely functioned in thermoregulation, tactile sensing, signalling, and aerodynamics, and such structures are found in all main pterosaur groups. This interpretation that pterosaurs carried feathers, an innovation shared with their sister group, the dinosaurs (including birds), is likely to be controversial, but it has profound implications. There are two possible interpretations:
- The traditional view: The four dermal structures seen in pterosaurs are unique to pterosaurs, and should be called pycnofibres. True ‘feathers’ are known only birds and their closest relatives among theropod dinosaurs, and the dermal structures seen in some ornithischians and in pterosaurs evolved independently. True feathers originated about 170 million years ago (Middle Jurassic) in the clade Coelurosauria (= birds + close theropod relatives).
- The revised view: The four dermal structures seen in pterosaurs are homologous with similar structures seen in various dinosaurs and birds. True ‘feathers’ originated at the time of the common ancestor of pterosaurs and dinosaurs (including birds), and they diversified into many forms, but pennaceous feathers (= contour and flight feathers) are known only in the clade Coelurosauria (= birds + close theropod relatives). feathers originated about 250 million years ago (Early Triassic) in the clade Avemetatarsalia (= dinosaurs + pterosaurs).
Literature cited
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- Czerkas, S. A., Ji, Q. 2002. A rhamphorhynchoid with a headcrest and complex integumentary structures. In Feathered Dinosaurs and the Origin of Flight (Czerkas, S.J., ed.), pp. 15–41. The Dinosaur Museum.
- Frey, E. and Martill, D.M. 1998. Soft tissue preservation in a specimen of Pterodactylus kochi (Wagner) from the Upper Jurassic of Germany. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 210, 421–441
- Goldfuss, A. 1831. Beiträge zur Kenntnis verschiedener Reptilien der Vorwelt. Nova Acta Leopoldina Carolinensis 15, 61–128.
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